... Balsamo creates the most recent proposition, coherent to the same operative order:
the growing process developed in the space and colour organization on the prerimetral space
of support. He repeats the formal warp pursuing the dialectic relationship between sign and colour.
He underlines he space gap but he developes the poetic of abstraction cojugating, in his own way,
the integration of nature and geometry postulated by Kandinskij and Klee, already mentioned,
and the general lesson of historical avantgardes.
Vito Apuleo
(by E. Di Martino and V. Apuleo, of the exhibition at the "S. Apollonia
Art Center" of Venice, July-August 1990, ed. V. Barbierato, exhibition catalog).

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Outside... The little red sign

Chromatics scansions
(Scansioni cromatiche)

Escape in red and blue
(Fuga in rosso e blu)
Ethereal spaces
(Spazi eterei)

Andante in blu

Evolution in red
(Evoluzione in rosso)
Lively modulations
(Modulazioni vivaci)

In evolution
(In evoluzione)

Untitled Environmental changes
(Mutamenti ambientali)

Somewhere else Prelude

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