1993 - BOLOGNA, "Art Fair", from 21 to 25 January 1993 - Italy
- FLORENCE, "Attualissima" Fortezza da Basso, from 1 to 4 April 1993 - Italy
1994 - PARIS, "Découvertes" Porte de Versailles - Nef Victor, 23-28 March - France
- PARIS, "Lansberg" Gallery, from 22 September 13 October 1994 - France
- CANNES, Palais des Festival "Art Jonction" - France
1995 - ROMA, "Vincenzo e Roberto Balsamo due generazioni a confronto" "SOUTHERN Art Gallery"
14 December-12 January 1995 - Italy
- FINALE LIGURE, "ValenteArteContemporanea" Gallery, Solo Show, 8 July-8 September - Italy
- BARI, Levante Fair "Art Expò " - Italy
1996 - NEUILLY, "Centre Hospitalier" - France
- GENEVA, Palaexpo "Europ'Art" - SWISS
- GENT, "Line Art Gent" International Art Fair- Belgium
- L'AQUILA, Vincenzo Balsamo "The singing color", Abruzzo Museum-Spanish Castle, "Anthological
Exhibition", from 1959 to 1996", 28 September-28 October - Italy
- ARPINO (FR), Vincenzo Balsamo "The singing color", Boncompagni Ducal Palace, "Anthological
Exhibition", from 1959 to 1996", 9 November-5 January 1997 - Italy
1997 - BAGNOCAVALLO (RA), Vincenzo Balsamo "The singing color", Polyvalent Centre, "Anthological
Exhibition", from 1959 to 1996", 16 March-6 April - Italy
- ROME, Vincenzo Balsamo "The singing color", Egypt Academy, "Anthological Exhibition",
from 1959 to 1996" - Italy
- MANTOVA, Vincenzo Balsamo "The singing color", Ducal Palace - Isabella of Este Rooms, "Anthological
Exhibition", from 1959 to 1996", 12 April-4 May - Italy
- SPOLETO, Vincenzo Balsamo "The singing color", Two Worlds Festival - "Gianluigi Fontana"
International Art Gallery, 26 June-27 July - Italy
- MILAN, "Telemarket" Show Room - Italy
- ROME, "Telemarket" Show Room - Italy
1999 - VERONA, "70" Gallery - Italy
- BARI, "20^ International Fair of Contemporary Art - Expo Arte", 4/8 December- Italy
- FORTE dei MARMI, "Faustini Arte" Gallery - Italy
- FERRARA, "Studio d'Arte Melotti" Gallery, Solo Show, 13 February-14 March - Italy
- VENICE, "International Contemporary Art" - Italy
- ATLANTA, "Recent Paintings", Tula Art Center - Galleria San Marco, July 9 - September 8, Georgia - U.S.A
- PARIS, "Carrousel du Louvre" - France
- VERONA, "C&S Arte" Studio - Italy
- PADOVA, "Art Expò '99", Solo Exhibition - Italy
2000 - TURIN, "Telemarket" Show Room - Italy
- CHIERI (TO), Vincenzo Balsamo "NONSOLOASTRAZIONE", "Cornici e Design" Gallery
4 - 30 November - Italy
- ROME, "Telemarket" Show Room - Italy
- CUNEO, "Tronci" Gallery - Italy
- MONTECATINI T. ME, "Telemarket" Show Room - Italy
- VELLETRI (ROME), "Porta Napoletana", Solo Show - Italy
2001 - GENOA, Orsini Palace , "Telemarket" - Italy
- TURIN, "RonchiVerdi" Circle , Solo Show - Italy
- BRUXELLES, Palace of "European Parliament", Solo Show - Belgium
- VERONA, "Kahn Art" Gallery - Italy
- NAGAHAMA,"Nagahama Museum", Solo Show within the "Artists Club Exhibition 2001",
2001.11/1-11/15 - Japan
2002 - MESSINA, "Conca d'Oro" Gallery , by Personal Collection "Works years '60" - Italy
- FINALE LIGURE (SV), Vincenzo Balsamo, "The light spot of the fluctuation", Chiostri S. Caterina - Oratorio de'
Disciplinanti in Final Borgo, Anthologycal Exhibition, 24 August-29 September - Italy
- FINALE LIGURE (SV), Vincenzo Balsamo, "the memory pathways", "ValenteArteContemporanea"
Gallery, Works on Paper, 24 August-29 September - Italy
- MILAN, "Telemarket" Show Room, "The labyrinths of the colour" - Italy
- TURIN, "Telemarket" Show Room , "The labyrinths of the colour" - Italy
2003 - SUZZARA (MN), "Pont - Aven" Cultural Association of Contemporary Art , "Il Segno e il Colore"
18 January-2 February - Italy
- VITERBO, Miralli Gallery, "The unlikely dogma identity", Works on Paper - Italy
- VITERBO, Chigi Palace, "The unlikely dogma identity", Works on Canvas - Italy
2004 - FREMANTLE (Perth), Greh James Sculpture Studio Gallery, "Vincenzo Balsamo", Mostra personale - Australia
2005 - FERRARA, "MINI" (Unpublished Works of small size), "Melotti Art Studio" Gallery
23 April-22 May - Italy
- TURIN, "Archivio di Stato", Anthologycal Exhibition, "The Odyssey of light and colur", (works from 1955
to 2005), 6-30 September - Italy
- MONTICHIARI (BS), "13nd Contemporary National Art Fair", Anthologycal Solo Exhibition,
"Vincenzo Balsamo: The Uncontaminated Charms Of Sign", curated by Claudio Cerritelli - Italy
- VERONA, "art(verona05", "Gallery of Modern Art - Marco Canepa", Solo Exhibition - Italy
2006 - VITERBO, "VITARTE" - Contemporary and Modern Art Fair - Italy
- PIETRASANTA (LU), Vincenzo Balsamo - New Works, "Enrico PAOLI Art Gallery", 8 July-4 August - Italy
- FINALE LIGURE (SV), Vincenzo Balsamo "favola racconto - form/ale", "ValenteArtecontemporanea" Gallery,
27 August-30 September - Italy
- VERONA, "art(verona06", "ValenteArtecontemporanea" Gallery , Solo Exhibition - Italy
- PADOVA, "Art Expò 2006", Solo Exhibition - Italy
- ROME, "R I P A R T E", International Hotel Art Fair - Italy
2007 - MILAN, Vincenzo Balsamo "L'eco musicale della Lyra di Ermes", "Luciana Matalon Foundation Museum",
Solo Show, 10 May-8 June - Italy
- MODENA, Vincenzo Balsamo "The Breath of the Infinite", "MOdenArte Gallery" - Anthological Exhibition - Italy
- ISEO (Bs), Vincenzo Balsamo "The Breath of the Infinite", "MOdenArte Gallery" - Works on Paper
5 October-1 December - Italy
2008 - MASSA MARITTIMA (Gr), Vincenzo Balsamo "Tracce Universali", "Palazzo dell'Abbondanza",
Solo Show, 18 January- 24 February - Italy
- BOLOGNA, "Tracce Universali", "Bologna Art Hotels", Solo Show - Italy
- NORTH MYMMS (Londra), "Ecstasy Down", Paul Marks and Vincenzo Balsamo, "HF Contemporary Art Gallery" - Uk
- MANTOVA, "The courage of the equilibrium", "Palazzo della Ragione", Solo Show - Italy
- VO' (Pd), "WINE AND ART - The Cabernet 2007 with Vincenzo Balsamo", "Parco del Venda Wine Factory",
label show with a little exhibition - Italy
2009 - VITERBO, "VITARTE", "MAG'ARTE" Gallery, 14-16 March, Solo Show - Italy
- PADOVA, "ArtePadova 2009", "Accademia" Gallery, 13-16 November, Solo Show - Italy
2010 - LONDON, "London Art Fair", with the "HF Contemporary Art" Gallery, 13-17 January - UK
- GENOVA, "ArteGenova 2010", "Energenesi" Gallery, 26 February - 1 March - Italy
- PORDENONE, "ARTE Pordenone 2010", "Energenesi" Gallery, 10 - 12 April - Italy
- PESCARA, "Segni di una luce interiore. A colori", "Art Space - Genti d'Abruzzo Museum",
Graphic Works from 1990 to 2008, 15 April - 16 May - Italy
- AREZZO, "Alchemies and other lyricism", "Civic Gallery of Contemporary Art",
Works from 1989 to 2010, 08 May - 27 June - Italy
- BEIJING, "The 13th Beijing International Art Exposition", "Energenesi" Gallery, 19 - 23 August - China
- CANTON, "Art Canton 2010", "Energenesi" Gallery, 10 - 13 October - China
- MOSCOW, "15th Art Manege Moscow Art Fair 2010", "Energenesi" Gallery, 1 - 5 December - R. Russa
- VENEZIA, "Vincenzo Balsamo", Solo Show, "Energenesi" Gallery, 1 - 31 December - Italy
2011 - New Delhi, "The 3rd edition of the India Art Summit™ 2011", "Energenesi" Gallery, 20 - 23 January - India
- CENTO (FE), Vincenzo Balsamo "Isotopies and Changes", "Aroldo Bonzagni" Modern Art Gallery, Solo Show
12 February - 03 April 2011 - Italy
- AREZZO, "Bellezza e verità nella pittura di Vincenzo Balsamo", Solo Show - Works from 1989 to 2009,
within, "ARTEXpo Arezzo", 17 - 21 March - Italy
- AREZZO, "ARTEXpo Arezzo 2011", "Energenesi" Gallery, Works on paper, 17 - 21 March - Italy
- BERLIN, Vincenzo Balsamo "The beauty of life", HF Contemporary Art London/Berlin Gallery, Solo Show,
7 May - 4 June 2011 - Germany
- VENEZIA, "Energenesi" Gallery, Solo Show with works on canvas and on paper, 20 May - 20 July - Italy
- VILLAFRANCA di VERONA, "Vincenzo Balsamo. Il codice dei segni", Solo Show, Civic "AUDITORIUM",
24 June - 17 July - Italy
- SHANGHAI, "Shanghai Art Fair 2011", "Energenesi" Gallery, 14 - 18 September - China
- TORONTO, "ART TORONTO 2011", "Energenesi" Gallery, October 28-31 - Canada
2012 - LOS ANGELES, "LA Art Show - Los Angeles 2012", "Energenesi" Gallery, 18 - 22 January 2012 - USA
- NEW YORK, "Artexpo New York 2012", "Energenesi" Gallery, 22 - 25 March - USA
- ROMA, Vincenzo Balsamo "The Lyrical Abstraction 1987 - 2012", Chiostro del Bramante - "Le Gallerie - Le Sale" Art Space,
Solo Show, 17 July - 13 September - Italy
- SEOUL, "KIAF2012-Korea International Art Fair", "Energenesi" Gallery, 14 - 17 September - South Corea
- LUCCA, "Vincenzo Balsamo. Rewriting the nature", Anthologycal Solo Show, "Lu.C.C.A. Lucca Center of Contemporary Art"
from 25 November 2012 to 3 February 2013- Italy
2013 - BRINDISI, 1927 - Brindisi - 2013 "From the memories of the visible to the signs of the infinite", Retrospective Exhibition at:
"Palazzo Granafei Nervegna", from 5 April to 6 May 2013 - Italy
- FROSINONE, "Bellezza e verità", Solo Show, "Villa Comunale", 13 - 26 April - Italy
- BRUSSELS, "The thought becomes sign, the color becomes light", Solo Show at: "European Commission",
from 13 May to 27 July - Belgium
- LATINA, "Finalmente l'Arte", Solo Show at: "Ex Garage Ruspi", from 7 to 24 June - Italy
- BRUSSELS, "The thought becomes sign, the color becomes light", Solo Show at: "Monte Paschi Bank",
from 1 August to 2 September - Belgium
2014 - VERONA, "Vincenzo Balsamo", Solo Show at: "La Meridiana" Gallery, from 08 to 26 February - Italy
- VERONA, "Vincenzo Balsamo", presentation of the carpet "In & Out" and Solo Show of four large ovals
at: "ARTEP ITALIA - Il Mercante d'Oriente", from 15 to 22 February - Italy
- ROMA, "Vincenzo Balsamo - Last period works", Solo Show, "Banca Fideuram", from 13/06 to 16/09, 2014 - Italy
- CIVITA CASTELLANA, "Vincenzo Balsamo - Forms and Signs", Solo Show, "Ex Carcerette" Exhibition Hall,
September 13-28, 2014 - Italy
2015 - POSTIGNANO (Sellano), (PG), "The Poetics of Rèverie, sign and dream", Solo Show, "Castello di Postignano",
from 23 May to 20 June 2015 - Italy
- GENZANO di ROMA (RM), "Vincenzo Balsamo or The Zen Wind Stirring the Heart of Creation", Anthological Exhibition
within Infiorata 2015 as guest artist, "Palazzo Ducale Sforza Cesarini", from 30 May to 5 July - Italy
2016 - PERTH, Solo Show, Consolato d'Italia a Perth, from 17 November - Australia
2018 - TREVIGLIO, "Vincenzo Balsamo Recent works", Gruppo Deutsche Bank, from 18 May 2018 al 7 Janaury 2019 - Italy
- ROMA, "ROMA d'Arte EXPO", solo show, from 23 to 25 November - Italy
1957 - ROME, VII^ Via Margutta Art Exhibition - Italy
1958 - PISA, National Art Exhibition "Youngs Painters" - Italy
- ROME, IX Via Margutta Art Exhibition - Italy
1959 - BRINDISI, City Circle, I^ Figurativ Art Exhibition - Italy
1960 - ROME, "Il Camino" Gallery , - Italy
- ROME, 1° "Via Veneto" International Award - Italy
1961 - ROME, "San Marco-La Marguttiana" Gallery, XI^ Art Exhibition - Italy
- BRACCIANO (ROME), 2° International Award - Italy
- MANZIANA (ROME), National Award - Italy
- ROME, Exhibitions Palace - Figurativ Art Exhibition "Roma e Lazio" - Italy
1962 - FERRARA, "La Tavolozza" Gallery, 6 - 21 June - Italy
- TOLFA, National Art Exhibition - Italy
- BRACCIANO (ROME), III International Award - Italy
- ROME, National Award, "National Gallery of Modern Art" - Italy
1963 - VASTO, "National Award of Painting" - Italy
- PARIS, Twinship "Paris - Rome" - France
- ROME, Exhibitions Palace - Figurativ Art Exhibition "Roma e Lazio" - Italy
- MACERATA, "1 Biennal of International Art" - Italy
- ROME, X National Quadriennial of Art - Italy
- MARATEA (CS), National Art Exhibition - Italy
1964 - SALÒ (BS), "Gabriele D'Annunzio" National Award - Italy
- ROME, "Social Security" First National Exhibition - Italy
- ROME, "SM 13" Gallery, Collective of Italian and Foreign Artists - Italy
- GARDONE, International Award "Frat. Ramazzotti" - Italy
1965 - NETTUNO (ROME), "Nettuno d'Oro" Award - Italy
- ROCCA di PAPA (ROME), 2° "Massimo D'Azeglio" National Award - Italy
1966 - ZURIGO, "Bürdeke" Gallery - SWISS
- ROME, "The Roman Forum" International Award "Eternal Rome" - Italy
- TORVAJANICA (ROME), 1° International Award - Italy
1969 - ROME, "S. Maria Circle", Art Exhibition - Italy
1970 - DUBROVNIK, "European Biennal of Contemporary Art" - Jugoslavia
1973 - ROME, "Valadier" Gallery, 1st International Exhibition of Contemporary Graphic
13 December 1972 - 10 January 1973 - Italy
- FLORENCE, Modern Art Centre "Contemporary Masters" - Italy
1977 - ALATRI, XX Art Biennial "Alatri Award", Conti Gentile Palace, 15 October - 6 November - Italy
- COMO, Olmo Villa - "Lario Caporago Award" - Italy
1989 - ROMA, Futurism and Contemporary Art "Dinamica del 2000", "Corrado Alvaro" Study Centre;,
Complesso Munumentale San Michele a Ripa, 5 - 14 October - Italy
- MONTE ARGENTARIO (GR), City Hall - "Idea per una Collezione" Group Show with Balsamo, Arman,
Braque, Capogrossi, Clavè, De Sanctis, Dorazio, Galliani, Hartung, Jenkins, Kijno, Licata, Masson,
Matisse, Melegari, Music, Perahim, Rotella. Silvestri and Verbrak, 20 August - 10 September - Italy
- TAVERNA (CZ), "Homage to Mattia Preti" - Italy
- BOLOGNA, "Art Fair ", from 17 to 20 February 1989 - Italy
- MILAN, "International Contemporary Art", from 19 to 28 May 1989 - Italy
1990 - ARICCIA (ROME), Chigi Palace - "The Artists and the Holy", from 2 to 20 May 1990 - Italy
- BOLOGNA, "Art Fair", froml 26 to 29 January 1990 - Italy
- GENZANO (ROME), "De Stijl" Cultural Centre - Italy
1991 - ROME, Vallicelliana Library - "The man and the water" - Italy
1993 - MADRID, "In Arco '93", from 12 to 17 February 1993 - Spain
1994 - ROME, "Southern Art" Gallery - "Two Generations in Comparison" - Italy
- MADRID, "In Arco '94", from 9 to 15 February 1994 - Spain
- TURIN, "Artissima 1994", "ValenteArteContemporanea" Gallery, from 30/09 to 3/10 1994 - Italy
1997 - CORCIANO (PG), City Hall "Antico Spedale" Art Fair - Italy
1998 - FERRARA, "Arcispedale S. Anna"-Lascito Quadreria Arte Contemporanea "Renzo Melotti" - Italy
- ARICCIA, "Luigi Montanarini" Centre-"Locanda Martorelli" Contemporary Art Exhibition - Italy
- FLORENCE, Affairs Palace, "Show of Contemporary Artists", from 10 to 13 December - Italy
2000 - ATLANTIC CITY, "Rosljn Sailor" Gallery - New Jersey - U.S.A
- TURIN, "Artissima 2000", "ValenteArteContemporanea" Gallery, from 4 to 8 October 2000 - Italy
- MONTICHIARI (BS), "Expo Arte 2000", "ValenteArteContemporanea" Gallery, from 6 to 9 October 2000 - Italy
2001 - BOLOGNA, "Art Fair", "ValenteArteContemporanea" Gallery, from 25 to 29 January 2001 - Italy
- VERONA, "Serego" Gallery - Italy
- BOLOGNA, "Telemarket" Show Room - "Echos in the Art of '900", froml 15 June to 28 July 2001 - Italy
2002 - VITERBO, Popes Palace, "Art Viterbo" - Italy
- FINALE LIGURE (SV), Chiostri di Santa Caterina-Oratorio de' Disciplinanti, "Permanent Collection" - Italy
- GARDA (VR), Palazzetto delle Esposizioni, "Kunstausstellung - Art Exhibition"-"Images and Meetings" - Italy
- MONTICHIARI (BS), "Expo Arte 2002", "ValenteArteContemporanea" Gallery, from 4 to 7 October 2002 - Italy
- RENDE (CS), "Achille Capizzano" Pinacotheca - Centre for the Art and the Culture, "ART BOX"
from 12 April to 15 July 2002 - Italy
- MILAN, "Telemarket" Show Room - "10 protagonists in Art History" - Italy
2003 - BOLOGNA, Show Room "Telemarket" - ASTRATTONONASTRATTO: "Percorsi artistici a confronto" - Italy
- VITERBO, Complesso di San Carluccio - "The Flower in the Contemporary Art" - Italy
- COPPARO (FE), "Civic Gallery of Modern Art - O. Marchesi" - Donation "Renzo Melotti" - Italy
- ROME, "Venanzo Crocetti Museum" - Exhibition "The Nativity" - Italy
2004 - AREZZO, "Civic Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art" - "From Picasso to Botero. Art' Masterpicies
of twentieth century", 26 March - 6 June 2004 - Italy
- FORLÌ, "Albertini Palace" - "From Picasso to Botero. Art' Masterpicies of twentieth century", 29 Jun-29 Aug - Italy
- FINALE L. (SV), "Oratorio de' Disciplinanti" - "The Finale - Colections", 7 April-13 June 2004 - Italy
- VITERBO, "VITARTE" - "Art Fair" - Italy
- PADOVA, Art Fair 2004 "Serego Gallery" - Italy
- BOLZANO, Vineart Art Fair 2004 "Campaiola Gallery" - Italy
2005 - PESCARA, Museum of Modern Art "Vittoria Colonna", "The Contemporary Art in Civic Museums"
- 1st Edition, 12-31 March - Italy
- BOLZANO, "Goethe" Gallery, group exhibition of artists present in gallery - Italy
- REGGIO EMILIA, "Immagina Arte in Fiera 2005", Colonna Gallery, 9-12 December - Italy
2006 - GENOVA, "ArteGenova", 2nd Contemporary and Modern Art Fair- Italy
- BOLOGNA, "ArteFiera | Art First 2006" - Contemporary Art Fair - Italy
- BERGAMO, "BergamoArteFiera" - Contemporary and Modern Art Fair - Italy
- CORCHIANO (VT), Pictorial present to "Gabriella Ferri", "Piccolo Angelo" Gallery - Italy
- FLORENCE, "ArteFirenze 2006", 1th Contemporary Art fair - Italy
- REGGIO EMILIA, "Immagina Arte in Fiera 2006", Colonna Gallery, 8-11 December - Italy
- SHANGHAI, "Shanghai Art Fair - 2006", The 10th Shanghai Art Fair 2006 - China
2007 - MIAMI, "art miami- 2007", 17th Miami Art Fair - USA
- NEW YORK, "ArtExpo New York - 2007" - USA
- SEOUL, "KIAF2007 - Korea International Art Fair" - Korea
- GDANSK, "Polish Institute", "Smile's - Smiling autograms" - autogram exhibition, curated by
Marek Wysoczynski - Poland
- GARLENDA (SV), "Costa-Del Carretto Castle", "Ænigma" - Contemporary Art Exhibition - Italy
- LONDON, "Viva Italia Show 2007", "Olympia Exhibition Centre National Hall", curated by:
"HF Contemporary Art" - UK
- VERONA, "Serego Arte Contemporanea" Gallery, group exhibition of artists present in gallery - Italy
- BELLUNO, "Arte in Fiera 2007", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 13-15 October - Italy
- PADOVA, "Arte Padova 2007", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 8-12 November - Italy
- LONDON, "FOR THE HARMONY AND TRANQUILITY OF MANKIND", "European Commission", 12 - 23 November,
curated by: "HF Contemporary Art" - UK
- REGGIO EMILIA, "Immagina Arte in Fiera 2007", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 30 Nov-3 Dic - Italy
- GRAZ; "HF Contemporary Art WINTER EXHIBITION in GRAZ, Maria Trost", 18 December-5 January 2008,
curated by: Dr Helga Fox - Austria
2008 - VENEZIA, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Venice with artists: Vincenzo Balsamo,
Agostino Bonalumi, Bruno Cassinari, Enrico Castellani, Giorgio De Chirico, Gianni Dova, Umberto Mastroianni,
Roberto Sebastian Matta, Joan Miro, Zoran Music, Pablo Picasso, Emilio Scanavino, Mark Tobey, Giulio Turcato,
Luigi Veronesi, (January - December) - Italy
- BERGAMO, "Bergamo Arte Fiera", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 11-14 January - Italy
- INNSBRUCK; "Art Innsbruck 2008", HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 8-11 February - Austria
- VITERBO, "VITARTE", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 16-18 February - Italy
- GENOVA, "ArteGenova 2008", MOdenArte Gallery, 22-25 February - Italy
- POSITANO, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Positano with artists: Gianfranco Meggiato,
Pier Toffoletti, Gianni Piva, Pierluigi De Lutti, Vincenzo Balsamo, Kerigma, Raffaele Celentano, (March - December) - Italy
- PARMA, "ArteParma 2008", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 14-17 March - Italy
- ERBA (CO), "ART'CO 2008", MAG'ARTE and ModenArte Galleries, 16-19 May - Italy
- HARPENDEN, "Tranquility in Art", Group Show of gallery artists in Harpenden in conjunction
with a fund-raising event for the Isabel Hospice WGC curated by HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 17-18 May - UK
- BOLZANO, "kunStart 2008", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 22-25 May - Italy
- HIGHGATE (London), "MUSIC IN SPACE - IMAGES IN TIME", Group Show at "Upper Gallery,
Lauderdale House" curated by HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 22 July - 3 August - UK
- NOVEGRO (MI), "NAC - Novegro Arte Contemporanea", MOdenArte Gallery, 12-14 September - Italy
- SEOUL, "KIAF2008 - Korea International Art Fair", MOdenArte Gallery, 19-23 September - Korea
- FIRENZE, "ArteFirenze 2008", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 26-29 September - Italy
- BRESCIA, "ArteBrescia 2008", MAG'ARTE Gallery, 10-13 October - Italy
- SAN JAUN (PUERTO RICO), "ARWI 3rd International Art Fair", HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 10-12 October - USA
- VERONA, "ArtVERONA 2008", MOdenArte Gallery, 16-20 October - Italy
- PADOVA, "ArtePadova 2008", GalleriaUno, 10-13 November - Italy
- REGGIO EMILIA, "Immagina ARTE in fiera", MOdenArte Gallery, 28 November-01 December - Italy
- NORTH MYMMS (London), "DEUS EX MACHINA OR ALIENS COMING TO TOWN", Richard Batty, Christoph Schmidberger
and Vincenzo Balsamo, "HF Contemporary Art Gallery", 1 November - 15 December 2008 - Uk
2009 - CATANIA, "Art Square. Remembering Umberto Boccioni", Group Show with 111 artists, L.I.B.R.A Gallery,
13 December - 31 January 2009 - Italy
- GRAZ, "FAREWELL EXHIBITION", Group Show at HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 4 - 15 February - Austria
- GENOVA, "ArteGenova 2009", MOdenArte Gallery, 27 February - 2 March - Italy
- POSITANO, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Positano with artists: Gianfranco Meggiato,
Pier Toffoletti, Gianni Piva, Pierluigi De Lutti, Vincenzo Balsamo, Kerigma, Raffaele Celentano,
Antonio Nunziante, (March - December) - Italy
- NOVEGRO (MI), "NAC - Novegro Arte Contemporanea", Mag'Arte Gallery, 27-30 March - Italy
- PESCARA, "CENTOARTISTIPERL'AQUILA", "Vittorio Colonna" Museum of Modern Art, 16-25 May - Italy
- NORTH MYMMS (London), "50 YEARS BROOKMANS PARK FETE", HF Contemporary Art - Celebration Exhibition
in Brookmans Park, group show of gallery artists, 20 June - Uk
- LONDON, "MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE", "Dray Walk Gallery", organized by; HF Contemporary Art,
23 July - 2 August 2009 - Uk
- VITERBO, "I Colori dell'Arcobaleno", group show at "Piccolo Angelo Gallery", 29 Aug - 7 Sep - Italy
- PARIS, "Forum de l'Investissement", in esclusively with Italia Arte, 9 - 10 October - France
- GIUGLIANO (NA), "Arte in Comune", "City Palace", 16 - 21 November - Italy
- PESCARA, "Maestri del ‘900 italiano", "Genti d’Abruzzo's Museum", 5 - 13 December - Italy
2010 - LONDON, "FASHION FUSION Expo", "Old Truman Brewery", with the HF Contemporary Art Gallery , 12-13 March - Uk
- VENEZIA, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Venice with artists: Gianfranco Meggiato, Vincenzo Balsamo,
Joan Miro, Gianni Dova, Agostino Bonalumi, Pablo Picasso, (April - May) - Italy
- BRIGHTON, "Brighton Fashion Week", with the HF Contemporary Art Gallery , 9-13 June - Uk
- VENEZIA, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Venice with artists: Gianfranco Meggiato, Vincenzo Balsamo,
Luigi Veronesi, Emilio Scanavino, Giorgio De Chirico, (July - August) - Italy
- PRAGA, "Simboli, segni e colori dal mondo", "Galerie Brehová", curated by: ItaliaArte, 8 luglio - 27 agosto - CZ
- BEIJING, "4th Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2010", at the "National Art Museum of China",
20 September - 4 October 2010 - China
- BERLIN, "East Meets West - 20 Years on", Group Show, HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 3 - 30 Oct - - Germany
- VERONA, "ArtVerona10", "Valenteartecontemporanea" Gallery, 14 - 18 October - Italy
- MODENA, "Balsamo, Ghelli, Sansavini - TRUE COLORS", "MOdenArte" Gallery, 30 October - 20 November - Italy
- MONREALE (PA), "Monreale - Una raccolta d'arte contemporanea italiana", "Giuseppe Sciortino" Civic Gallery
of Modern Art, from 2 to 30 November - Italy
- PESCARA, "Maestri del ‘900 italiano", "Genti d’Abruzzo's Museum", 2 - 11 December - Italy
- SPERLINGA (EN), "EMIGRANTS FOREVER", Contemporaray Art Exhibition, Civiltá Contadina Museum
16 December 2010 - 21 January 2011 - Italy
2011 - AVIGLIANA (TO), "La Quadreria 1st Edition", Galleria "Arte per voi", from 22 January to 13 March - Italy
- VENEZIA, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Venice with artists: Vincenzo Balsamo, Agostino Bonalumi,
Bruno Cassinari, Enrico Castellani, Giorgio De Chirico, Gianni Dova, Umberto Mastroianni, Roberto Sebastian Matta,
Gianfranco Meggiato, Joan Miro, Zoran Music, Pablo Picasso, Emilio Scanavino, Mark Tobey, Giulio Turcato, Luigi Veronesi
(February - March) - Italy
- SPERLINGA (EN), "SHOAH … per non dimenticare", Contemporaray Art Exhibition, Civiltá Contadina Museum
25 January - 15 February 2011 - Italy
- SPERLINGA (EN), "ARTE & Artigianato … tradizione e innovazione", Contemporaray Art Exhibition,
Civiltá Contadina Museum, 18 February - 20 March 2011 - Italy
- AREZZO; "Selected Works", Civic Gallery of Contemporary Art of Arezzo, 1 April - 1 May - Italy
- VENEZIA, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Venice with artists: Gianfranco Meggiato and
Vincenzo Balsamo, (June - August) - Italy
- BÜDELSDORF; "NordArt 2011", Kunstwerk Carlshütte, 4 June - 2 October - Germany
- SEGROMIGNO IN MONTE (LU), MailArt "Uno sguardo sull’arte moderna", Villa Mazzarosa, 3 September/ 9 October - Italy
- REGGIO EMILIA, "immaginaARTEinfiera", "ESSE&ERRE" Gallery, 21 - 24 October - Italy
- SIENA, "Drawing Connections", a large exhibition of nearly 4000 artists, Siena Art Institut, 22 - 28 October - Italy
- BEIJING, "E X C U R S U S into the Italian art", group show, A.C. Art Museum, 22 October to 20 November - China
- PIACENZA, "ARTEPiacenza 2011", "ESSE&ERRE" Gallery, 05 - 07 November - Italy
- PESCARA, "Distillati d'Arte Contemporanea - 25 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", "Aurum - Sala degli Alambicchi",
5 - 22 November 2011 - Italy
- PESCARA, "Distillati d'Arte Contemporanea - 25 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", "Genti d’Abruzzo Museum-
Art Space", 23 November - 3 December 2011 - Italy
- FIRENZE, "Un Natale d'autore - Collettiva di grandi artisti in permanenza", "SIMBOLI ART GALLERY",
from 28 November 2011 to 10 January 2012 - Italy
2012 - VENEZIA, "Collective Art Show", at Energenesi Art Gallery Venice with artists: Vincenzo Balsamo, Enrico Castellani,
Giorgio De Chirico, Gianni Dova, Umberto Mastroianni, Roberto Sebastian Matta, Gianfranco Meggiato, Joan Miro, Zoran Music,
Pablo Picasso, Mark Tobey, 5th January - 20th March - Italy
- AVIGLIANA (TO), "La quadreria 3rd Edition", Galleria "Arte per voi", from 4 August to 26 August - Italy
- COMO, "Passato Presente Futuro", "Marsiglione Arts Gallery", 12 January-11 February 2012 - Italy
- GENOVA, "ArteGenova 2012", "De Nisi" Gallery, 24-27 February - Italy
- BAIA MARE, "The International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2012", Florean Museum, May 2012 - Romania
- TAIWAN, "International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2012 ROC", A1 - B1 GALLERY - National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts;,
14 July - 3 September - Republic of China
- BITOLA, "7th International Triennial of Graphic Art - Bitola 2012", Institute and Museum Bitola, August -
September - Macedonia
- PESCARA, "Distillati d'Arte Contemporanea - 25 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", "Aurum - Sala degli Alambicchi",
8 - 22 November 2012 - Italy
- PESCARA, "Distillati d'Arte Contemporanea - 25 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", "Genti d’Abruzzo Museum-
Art Space", 23 November - 1 December 2012 - Italy
- PIEVE di CENTO (FE), "L’ARTE per l’ARTE La collezione Renzo Melotti per l’Emilia", "Magi '900", 15 December
- 19 January 2013 - Italy
2013 - GUANGZHOU, "The artist and the creativity between East and West", group show from Permanent Collection of MAGI'900
Museum, "Guangzhou Mayland Art Gallery", 5 - 28 January 2013 - China
- GENOVA, "ArteGenova 2013", "De Nisi" and "Vasco" Gallery, 15-18 February - Italy
- CASALE MONFERRATO (AL), "XI International Biennial GRAFICA AND EX LIBRIS", Castello del Monferrato, 15 March -
7 April 2013 - Italy
- ACRI, "From De Chirico to Schifano. The MACA Collection of graphic works", "MACA - Acri Museum of Contemporary Art",
5 July - 1 September 2013 - Italy
- DOURO; "Global Print 2013", International exhibition, "Lamego Museum - Douro Museum - Alijò Theatre-Auditorium -
Salzedas Monastery", 31 August - 30 October - Portugal
- BEIJING, "E X C U R S U S into the Italian art" Italian Landscape, "A.C. Art Museum", 4 - 24 November - China
- PADOVA, "Arte Padova 2013", Atelier Franck Michel, 15 - 18 November 2013 - Italy
CULTURA DE XÀTIVA", 15 November - 14 December 2013 - Spain
- PLOIESTI, The 10 Edition "Iosif Iser" International Contemporary Print Biennial, "Prahova County Art Museum"
Ploiesti, November - December 2013 - Romania
- SHENZHEN, "Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial" 2013-2014, "Shenzhen Art Museum"
10 December 2013 - 10 January 2014 - China
- SHANGHAI, "DATE IN ITALY" Hou Chuan Fang in dialogue with Italian Artists, "Hai Shang Culture Centre"
in collaboration with FYR Art Gallery, 13 - 15 December 2013 - China
2014 - INNSBRUCK; "Art Innsbruck 2014", HF Contemporary Art Gallery, 20-23 February - Austria
- SESTO FIORENTINO, "International mailart", with works of: Francis Bacon, Guercino, Morandi, Wharol, Basquiat,
Van Dick, Sigfrido Bartolini, Vincenzo Balsamo and much more, at: "LA SOFFITTA Spazio per le Arti", Colonnata,
from 2 March to 6 April 2014 - Italy
- ZHEJIANG, "Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial" 2013-2014, NATIONAL TRAVELING EXHIBITION, "Ningbo
Museum of Art", March 14 to March 29, 2014 - China
- BEIJING, "Visions of Italy ...Expressions & Passion" Italian Landscape, "Beijing 1+1 Arte Centre", 21 April-21 May - China
- HAERBIN, "Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial" 2013-2014, NATIONAL TRAVELING EXHIBITION, "Heilongjiang
Art Museum", from 08 to 30 May 2014 - China
- ASOLO, "The painting's resistance", Thirteen masters of contemporary Italian art in exhibition at the 3rd edition of
the International Art Biennial in Asolo, "Museo Civico", 10 May - 15 June 2014 - Italy
- ORTIGIA (Siracusa), MOA - "contemporary art exhibition", 20 artists exhibiting in the historical places of Ortigia
"Palazzo Impellizzeri", may 14 - august 30, 2014 - Italy
- XI'AN, "National Traveling Show of Shenzhen Biennial in Xi'an" The 4th venue of Traveling show 2014, "Shanxi Province
Art Museum", June 10-20, 2014 - China
- LÓDŹ, "15th International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms Poland-Lódź 2014", Galeria Willa, 12.06. - 28.09.2014 - Poland
- YINCHUAN, "National Traveling Show of Shenzhen Biennial in Yinchuan" The 5th venue of Traveling show 2014, "Yinchuan
Art Museum", July 10-25, 2014 - China
- DOURO, "7 International Printmaking Biennial of Douro 2014", various venues, 10 August - 31 October 2014 - Portugal
- CHONGQING, "National Traveling Show of Shenzhen Biennial in Chongqing" The 6th venue of Traveling show 2014, "
Chongqing Art Museum", August 26 to September 13, 2014 - China
- FROSINONE, "California Dreaming An International Portrait of Southern California", "Palazzo della Provincia",
from 4 to 28 October 2014 - Italy
- PESCARA, "Distillati d'Arte Contemporanea - 25 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", "Aurum - Sala degli Alambicchi",
8 - 14 November 2014 - Italy
- PESCARA, "Distillati d'Arte Contemporanea - 25 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", "Genti d’Abruzzo Museum-
Art Space", 15 November - 7 December 2014 - Italy
- ROMA, "Esposizione Triennale di Arti Visive a Roma", various venues, 21 November - 03 December 2014 - Italy
- HAINAN, "National Traveling Show of Shenzhen Biennial in Hainan" The 7th venue of Traveling show 2014, "
Hainan Museum", 26th - December 10th, 2014 - China
MODERN ART MUSEUM", 01 - 14 December 2014 - Italy
- MILANO, "Foundation Permanent Collection", "MATALON FOUNDATION", 04 - 23 December 2014 - Italy
2015 - OCEANSIDE (CA), "California Dreaming" An International Portrait of Southern California, "Oceanside Museum of Art",
December 6, 2014 to March 29, 2015 - USA
- RIVERSIDE (C romA), "California Dreaming" An International Portrait of Southern California, "Riverside Art Museum",
from April 21 to July 5, 2015 - USA
- NAPOLI, "NAF - Napoli Arte Fiera", ACCA Edizioni Roma Gallery, from 23 to 25 May 2015 - Italy
- CLUJ-NAPOCA, "Otherwise the Loneliness", IAGA Contemporary Art Gallery, June-July - Romania
- NORTH MYMMS, "International Art Festival", Group Show organizated by HF Contemporary Art - London, North Mymms
Memorial Hall, Sunday 14 June 2015 - UK
- REGGIO EMILIA, "Immagina Arte in Fiera", Acca Edizioni Gallery, from 26 to 28 September - Italia
- PECHINO, "6th Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2015", National Art Museum of China, from 24
September to 15 October 2015 - China
- PESCARA, "Percorsi d’Arte Contemporanea 37 Artisti per il Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo", Genti d’Abruzzo Museum
15 - 29 November 2015 - Italy
2016 - GENOVA, "Arte Genova", Acca Edizioni Gallery and Camelù Gallery, from 12 to 15 February - Italy
- CREMONA, "Arte Cremona", Acca Edizioni Gallery, from 12 to 14 March - Italy
- LUCCA, "LUcca Art fair", Acca Edizioni Gallery, from 6 to 9 May - Italy
- ROMA, "Idee per una collezione", Palazzo della Cancelleria, from 7 to 10 July - Italy
- GUALDO TADINO (PG), "Paesaggi d'Italia", Centro Culturale Casa Cajani, from 8 April to 17 July - Italy
- SKOPJE, "OSTEN BIENNIAL of DRAWING", OSTEN Gallery, from 22 September to 22 December - Macedonia
. ROVIGO, "Arte e Scienza in Ospedale", Donazione Renzo Melotti, Ospedale di Rovigo
"Santa Maria della Misericordia", 29 October - Italy
- PADOVA, "Arte Padova", Acca Edizioni Gallery, from 11 to 14 November - Italy
- BERGAMO, "BIAF 2016", from 25 to 28 November - Italy
2017 - GENOVA, "ARTE Genova", Ess&rre Gallery, from 17 to 19 February - Italy
- BELGRADO, "3rd INTERNATIONAL PRINTMAKING TRIENNIAL BELGRADE", Art Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzoric and various venues,
from 27 April to 22 May - Serbia
- LUCCA, "LUcca Art fair", Ess&rre Gallery, from 5 to 8 May - Italy
2018 - FERRARA, "Contra dogmaticos", Lacerba Gallery, exhibiting artists: Franco Angeli, Vincenzo Balsamo,
Alighiero Boetti, Ferruccio Bortoluzzi, Ugo Carrega, Tommaso Cascella, Mario Ceroli, Claudio Cintoli, Franco
Costalonga, Mario Schifano, e Walter Valentini, from 25 November to 31 January 2018 - Italy
- BERGAMO, "BAF Bergamo Arte Fiera", Mario Rigo Gallery, from 13 to 15 January - Italy
2019 - BERGAMO, "BAF Bergamo Arte Fiera", Container 71 Gallery, from 12 to 14 January - Italy
- GENOVA, "ARTE Genova", Arteelite Art Gallery, from 14 to 18 February - Italy